Eurocity (EC)
Information about the train Eurocity (EC). How to book tickets for Eurocity (EC). Find photos and films about the train.
Eurocity are international express trains. Currently there are two trains in Croatia classified as EC. One train runs from Zagreb via Graz to Vienna, the other train runs from Zagreb via Ljubljana, Villach and Munich to Frankfurt. Trains consist of modern and comfortable coaches provided by Austrian Railways ÖBB.
- 2nd and 1st class coaches
- seats in open-plan arrangement and compartments
- air-condition
- power sockets
- bicycle transport possible
- restaurant car (on the train to Frankfurt restaurant car available from Villach only)
- facilites for the disabled on the train to Vienna
No seat reservation needed.
Eurocity are international express trains. Currently there are two trains in Croatia classified as EC. One train runs from Zagreb via Graz to Vienna, the other train runs from Zagreb via Ljubljana, Villach and Munich to Frankfurt. Trains consist of modern and comfortable coaches provided by Austrian Railways ÖBB.
- 2nd and 1st class coaches
- seats in open-plan arrangement and compartments
- air-condition
- power sockets
- bicycle transport possible
- restaurant car (on the train to Frankfurt restaurant car available from Villach only)
- facilites for the disabled on the train to Vienna
Seat reservation not compulsory.
Zagreb - Graz - Wien | Zagreb - Ljubljana - Villach - Salzburg - München - Stuttgart - Frankfurt
reservation possible but not required
2nd class: EUR 3
1st class: EUR 3