Györsvonat (G)
Information about the train Györsvonat (G). How to book tickets for Györsvonat (G). Find photos and films about the train.
Györsvonat are fast trains running on many main routes throughout Hungary, mostly routes where no Intercity trains run. The trains stop at principal stations only and offer fastest services on routes where there are no Intercity services.
Some international trains are also classified as Györsvonat.
Trains consists of a variety of rolling stock. Most services consist of older, refurbished coaches and are 2nd class only. Bicycle transport possible on most trains. The routes from Budapest to Eger and Veszprem are operated with modern EMU (air-condition, facilites for the disabled).
If you are travelling within Hungary with domestic tickets you need to buy a supplement. When purchasing your ticket the supplement is usually included, but can also be bought separately. The price of the supplement depends on the distance travelled.
If you are travelling with an international ticket or with a rail pass (Interrail, Eurail) you do not need to get the supplement.
Budapest - Ljubljana | Budapest - Beograd | Budapest - Eger | Budapest - Szombathely | Budapest - Zalaegerszeg | Budapest - Veszprem
subject to a supplement
2nd class: ?
1st class: ?