International Vlak (международни влак) (IV)
Information about the train International Vlak (международни влак) (IV). How to book tickets for International Vlak (международни влак) (IV). Find photos and films about the train.
International express trains connect Bulgaria with its neighbouring countries. Currently there are the following international trains to/from Bulgaria:
- Sofia to Belgrade: day train; 2nd class only; no seat reservation required
- Sofia to Thessaloniki: day train; 2nd class only; seat reservation compulsory
- Sofia to Bucharest: day train; 2nd class only; no seat reservation required
- Sofia to Istanbul (Halkali): night train, couchette and sleeper carriages only
- Bucharest to Istanbul (Halkali) via Ruse - Veliko Tarnovo: night train, couchette and sleeper carriages only
- Vidin to Craiova: regional train; 2nd class only; no seat reservation required; connecting train from Sofia to Vidin available
Sofia - Belgrade | Sofia - Thessaloniki | Sofia - Bucharest | Sofia - Istanbul
reservation possible but not required
2nd class: EUR 1
1st class: EUR 1
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