Train type Spain
The different train types and categories in Spain. From local trains to high-speed-trains.

Alta Velocidad Española / AVE
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)

Altaria / ATR
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)
Altaria is the designation for RENFE long distance trains operating on both the conventional broad gauge (1668mm) as well as the high speed norma...

Alvia / ALVIA
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)
Alvia is the designation for RENFE high-speed trains in Spain operating on both the conventional broad gauge (1668mm) as well as the high speed n...

Arco / ARCO
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)
Arco used to be the designation for classic long distance trains running on the conventional network in the north of Spain. These trains have bee...

AV City / AVC
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)

Avant / AV
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)
Avant is the designation for RENFE trains operating on the high speed normal gauge (1435mm) lines, providing services on short to medium distance...

AVE Elipsos Spain - France / AVE Elipsos
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)
The AVE "Elipsos" are international high speed trains operating between France and Spain via the Perpignan - Figueres high speed line. Services a...

Celta / CEL
Chemins de Fer de Provence (CP)
The Celta trains are international express trains operating twice daily between Porto and Vigo. They are operated by older DMU with air-condition...

Cercanias / CER
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)
Cercanias (Rodalies in Barcelona) are suburban trains in and around the larger Spanish cities. To pass the station barriers show your ticket a...

Euromed / EM
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)
The different reservation prices for 1st class ticket are each valid for a different level of comfort: - 6,50€: Turista Plus, 1st class seats...

EuskoTren / EUSKO
EuskoTren (ET)

Intercity / IC
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)

Media Distancia / MD
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)
The MD trains Barcelona - Portbou can be used without a reservation!

R-598 / R-598
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)
R-598 is an old name for regional trains operated by RENFE class 598. The brand name has been discontinued and all trains nowadays run as MD (Med...

Regional / R
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)

Regional Exprés / RE
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)
On the above routes a reservation is required. If you are in doubt please check again locally! Standard class only.

Talgo / TALGO
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)

TGV Elipsos France - Spain / TGV Elipsos
Société Nationale des Chemins de fer français (SNCF)
The TGV "Elipsos" are international high speed trains operating between France and Spain via the Perpignan - Figueres high speed line. Services a...

Tren Regional Diesel / TRD
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)
TRD (Tren Regional Diesel) was a name for regional trains operated by RENFE class 594 trains. Nowadays these trains run either as MD (Media Dista...

Trenhotel / TH
Renfe Operadora (RENFE)
Trenhotel are night trains running in Spain and from Spain to Portugal. The trains are consisting of Talgo articulated stock, providing a very co...