Twoje Linie Kolejowe (TLK)
Information about the train Twoje Linie Kolejowe (TLK). How to book tickets for Twoje Linie Kolejowe (TLK). Find photos and films about the train.
TLK are express running on many routes all across Poland. They are cheaper than the high-quality EIP and EIC trains and usually consist of classic older rolling stock. Also, most night trains both in Poland and to neighbouring countries are classified as TLK.
TLK trains consist of classic carriages with 1st and 2nd class seats on most routes. Almost all trains convey compartment coaches only with six seats per compartment in 1st class and eight or six seats in 2nd class. Only some carriages have air-condition, power sockets and facilities for the disabled. Most services convey bicycles.
TLK night trains usually convey former 1st class compartment coaches (which are operated as 2nd class) with six seats per compartment, couchette cars and sleeping cars. Couchettes have three or four berths per compartment, sleeping cars have one to three berths.