Bruges to Lille by train
Travel from Bruges (Belgium) to Lille (France) by train (65km): schedule and information to the train connection. Compare fares and buy your ticket.
The train connection from Bruges to Lille may include one of the regular high speed trains (TGV inoui, Thalys). For the exact train schedule and ticket prices, please refer to the booking links provided.
There are two main routes. Compare them and decide which one feeds your needs best.
65 km
How to use the following information: we show you the best routes and where to buy tickets. On longer routes you may need more than one ticket. Book your tickets step by step as explained. If you have questions about the route from Bruges to Lille, please ask in our forum. Of course, sometimes there are as well other travel routes possible.
The following links could be interesting for you.
train connections : popular connections travelled by other users
Lille - Bruges / Bruges - Paris / Brussels - Paris / Ghent - Paris / Liege - Paris / Antwerp - Lyon / Bruges - Lyon / Brussels - Lyon / Brussels - Marseille / Brussels - Lille1 Bruges (Belgium) - Lille (France)
1a Travelling from Bruges (Belgium) to Lille (France)
To travel from Belgium to France by train, please buy your train ticket via the following booking links. There you find schedules and ticket prices, also for the high speed trains Thalys and TGV. If you buy early, you will find attractive discount fares.
Thalys services provide high speed connections directly to Paris while TGV trains connect Brussels with many other French cities. Additionally you will find a number of regional trains across the border to Lille.
Where to buy a ticket from Bruges to Lille?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
THALYS (THY) / Train à Grande Vitesse (TGV) / InterCity (IC) / Eurostar (EST)
train company:
SNCF Société Nationale des Chemins de fer français / SNCB Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges / THALYS Thalys / EST Eurostar International
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Lille - Bruges / Brussels - Paris / Brussels - Marseille / Brussels - Lille / Antwerp - Paris / Bruges - Paris / Ghent - Paris / Brussels - Bordeaux / Brussels - Lyon / Brussels - Nice / Brussels - Montpellier
search for train schedules here: Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections. Deutsche Bahn
2 Bruges (Belgium) - Paris (France) - Lille (France)
The route consist of more than one step. You have to buy several train tickets.
2a Travelling from Bruges (Belgium) to Paris (France)
To travel from Belgium to France by train, please buy your train ticket via the following booking links. There you find schedules and ticket prices, also for the high speed trains Thalys and TGV. If you buy early, you will find attractive discount fares.
Thalys services provide high speed connections directly to Paris while TGV trains connect Brussels with many other French cities. Additionally you will find a number of regional trains across the border to Lille.
Where to buy a ticket from Bruges to Paris?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
THALYS (THY) / Train à Grande Vitesse (TGV) / InterCity (IC) / Eurostar (EST)
train company:
SNCF Société Nationale des Chemins de fer français / SNCB Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges / THALYS Thalys / EST Eurostar International
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Paris - Bruges / Brussels - Paris / Brussels - Marseille / Brussels - Lille / Antwerp - Paris / Ghent - Paris / Brussels - Bordeaux / Brussels - Lyon / Brussels - Nice / Brussels - Montpellier
search for train schedules here: Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections. Deutsche Bahn
2b Travelling from Paris (France) to Lille (France)
Travel from Paris to Lille by direct OUIGO and TGV INOUI high-speed-train. The journey time is one hour. The train ticket prices start at 15 EUR. There are hourly train connections.
The departure station is "Paris Gare du Nord". The arrival stations are "Lille-Flandres" and "Lille-Europe".
Find the exact train schedules and book your ticket via the given booking links.
Where to buy a ticket from Paris to Lille?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
Train à Grande Vitesse (TGV)
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Lille - Paris
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Do you have questions about the connection between Bruges and Lille? Does something not work as it should? Just ask in our forum and get competent answers from our rail travel experts.
Eurail: if you want to travel this route by Eurail instead of train tickets, have a look here for reservation fees and further information.