Oslo to Gällivare by train
Travel from Oslo (Norway) to Gällivare (Sweden) by train (939km): schedule and information to the train connection. Compare fares and buy your ticket.
To travel by train from Oslo in Norway to Gällivare in Sweden, have a look at the options mentioned bellow. Use the given booking links to find saver prices.
There are two main routes. Compare them and decide which one feeds your needs best.
939 km
How to use the following information: we show you the best routes and where to buy tickets. On longer routes you may need more than one ticket. Book your tickets step by step as explained. If you have questions about the route from Oslo to Gällivare, please ask in our forum. Of course, sometimes there are as well other travel routes possible.
The following links could be interesting for you.
train connections : popular connections travelled by other users
Gällivare - Oslo / Oslo - Malmö / Oslo - Gothenburg / Bergen - Stockholm / Bergen - Gothenburg / Trondheim - Stockholm / Trondheim - Gothenburg / Narvik - Stockholm / Narvik - Gothenburg / North Cape - Stockholm1 Oslo (Norway) - Gällivare (Sweden)
1a Travelling from Oslo (Norway) to Gällivare (Sweden)
For your train journey from Norway to Sweden, there are three main routes available. In the south from Oslo (Norway) in direction of Gothenburg (Sweden). In the middle from Trondheim (Norway) to Östersund (Sweden). And in the north from Narvik (Norway) via Abisko (Sweden) and Kiruna to Luleå and Stockholm
The best route depends on your departure station in Norway. Use the given booking links to find your perfect travel route, schedules and ticket prices. If you book early, you will find attractive saver fares.
Both countries offer very good long-distance train connections. In the North of Norway between Bodø/Fauske and Narvik, no train connection is available. Take the bus for this journey.
Where to buy a ticket from Oslo to Gällivare?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
Regiontog (RT) / InterCity (IC)
night train: Night trains that might be suitable for this trip.
NT 93 Narvik - Stockholm
bus: Bus connections that might be helpful.
Narvik - Bodø
train company:
NSB Norges Statsbaner / SJ Statens Järnvägar
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Gällivare - Oslo / Oslo - Stockholm / Oslo - Gothenburg / Narvik - Stockholm / Narvik - Gothenburg / Bergen - Stockholm / Bergen - Gothenburg / Trondheim - Stockholm / North Cape - Stockholm / Trondheim - Gothenburg
search for train schedules here: Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections.
rail.cc Deutsche Bahn
2 Oslo (Norway) - Narvik (Norway) - Gällivare (Sweden)
The route consist of more than one step. You have to buy several train tickets.
2a Travelling from Oslo (Norway) to Narvik (Norway)
To travel in Norway by train with VY or another operator, please buy your train ticket online via one of the following booking links. There you find exact schedules and ticket prices. Advance fares (Minipris) can be considerably cheaper compared to full fare tickets.
For connections along the coast and in the far north you have to go with buses. For example from Bodö/Fauske to Narvik, to the Lofoten or from Narvik to North Cape. Narvik is connected by train from Sweden.
Where to buy a ticket from Oslo to Narvik?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
Regiontog (RT) / Flåmsbana (FLAM-R)
night train: Night trains that might be suitable for this trip.
RT 476 Bodø - Trondheim / RT 475 Trondheim - Bodø / RT 405 Oslo - Trondheim / RT 406 Trondheim - Oslo / RT 605 Oslo - Bergen / RT 606 Bergen - Oslo / RT 745 Oslo - Stavanger / RT 744 Stavanger - Oslo / NT 94 Stockholm - Narvik / NT 93 Narvik - Stockholm
bus: Bus connections that might be helpful.
Narvik - Bodø / Bodø - Narvik / Narvik - Svolvær / Svolvær - Narvik / Bergen - Stavanger
ferry: Ferry connections that might be helpful.
Bodø - Svolvær / Svolvær - Bodø
train company:
NSB Norges Statsbaner / FLAM Flåmsbana / COLL Color Line / TOHA Torghatten / NORWAY NOR-WAY Bussekspress / 177N 177 Nordland
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Narvik - Oslo / Oslo - Bergen / Oslo - Trondheim / Oslo - North Cape / Oslo - Flåm / Bergen - Trondheim / Bergen - Bodø / Trondheim - Bodø / Bodø - Narvik / Narvik - Svolvær / Narvik - Stockholm
search for train schedules here: Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections.
rail.cc Deutsche Bahn
2b Travelling from Narvik (Norway) to Gällivare (Sweden)
For your train journey from Norway to Sweden, there are three main routes available. In the south from Oslo (Norway) in direction of Gothenburg (Sweden). In the middle from Trondheim (Norway) to Östersund (Sweden). And in the north from Narvik (Norway) via Abisko (Sweden) and Kiruna to Luleå and Stockholm
The best route depends on your departure station in Norway. Use the given booking links to find your perfect travel route, schedules and ticket prices. If you book early, you will find attractive saver fares.
Both countries offer very good long-distance train connections. In the North of Norway between Bodø/Fauske and Narvik, no train connection is available. Take the bus for this journey.
Where to buy a ticket from Narvik to Gällivare?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
Regiontog (RT) / InterCity (IC)
night train: Night trains that might be suitable for this trip.
NT 93 Narvik - Stockholm
bus: Bus connections that might be helpful.
Narvik - Bodø
train company:
NSB Norges Statsbaner / SJ Statens Järnvägar
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Gällivare - Narvik / Oslo - Stockholm / Oslo - Gothenburg / Narvik - Stockholm / Narvik - Gothenburg / Bergen - Stockholm / Bergen - Gothenburg / Trondheim - Stockholm / North Cape - Stockholm / Trondheim - Gothenburg
search for train schedules here: Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections.
rail.cc Deutsche Bahn
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Do you have questions about the connection between Oslo and Gällivare? Does something not work as it should? Just ask in our forum and get competent answers from our rail travel experts.
Eurail: if you want to travel this route by Eurail instead of train tickets, have a look here for reservation fees and further information.