Train Stations in Weimar
The train/railway station of Weimar (Germany). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Weimar Railway Station
Bahnhof Weimar
The railway station of Weimar (Germany).

Berka Railway Station
Berkaer Bahnhof
Berka railway station is one of about 2,500 German railway stations of category 6 and provides a basic supply in public transport. The station infrastructure is reduced to a minimum. The route is currently served by the Elster-Saale-Bahn. It has a connection to Kranichfeld.

Weimar-West Railway Station
Bahnhof Weimar-West
The railway station Weimar-West (Germany) is one of about 900 German railway stations of category 7. Stations in this category are located in the countryside and have only a very simple infrastructure. Service personnel of the railway is not on site.