Places for Travellers | Weimar
Travel related places in Weimar (Germany). Information about public lockers, bicycle rent, tourist information, laundries and more.

Tourist-Information Weimar
The Tourist Information Office of Weimar is located directly on the market square (opposite the Town Hall). Note: In the rear of the building there are also toilets :-) You just have to go to the back and even further through the glass door. Opening times: April to October Mon - Sat: 09:30 - 19:00 h Sun and public holidays: 09:30 - 15:00 h November to March Mon - Fri: 09:30 - 18:00 h Sat, Sun and public holidays: 09:30 - 14:00 h

Toilets in Weimar
Toiletten in Weimar
At Frauenplan (ie at the place where Goethe's residence is located) there are public toilets. However, they are a bit hidden - not viewable on first sight. If one goes coming from the Schillerstraße (pedestrian zone) or from the market to the Goethe House, as they are right hand (there is a small green area, where benches are).