Other locations in Wyk auf Föhr
More locations in Wyk auf Föhr (Germany), which does not fit in one of the other categories.

Inselbäckerei Rosteck in Utersum
For those who wants to fill their picnic basket (or self catering in one of the apartments), I highly recommend the nut bread (hazelnut) on the island bakery Rosteck. I've never eat something good as this nut bread. *** Opening times *** Monday to Friday 06:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:00 Saturdays 06:30-12: 0 (I mean that they are open in the high season also on Sunday morning, but I'm not 100% sure) The bakery Rosteck also operates a mobile shop in Toftum (front of the house 192). The opening times here: Mon-Sat 06:30-10:00 Sun 07:45-09:45 I can not say, if they offer the full range. And another note for tourists: the bakery Rosteck also offers a bread delivery service for Utersum, Dunsum, Klein-Dunsum, Süderende, Witsum, Hedehusum and Oldsum (except Sundays).

Farmer's market
In the season from May to October, delicious island-products are sold every Wednesday and Saturday from 09:00 to 12:00 h at different stands on the (rather small) farmer's market on the Wyk Town Hall Square.

Fish market
If you arrive at the port on a Sunday - either by ferry from the mainland or by bus from the island villages - then you will not miss the fish market, because a large banner proclaims on access to the pedestrian zone: "Sunday fish market". The information says: Sundays (from April to October) the fish market takes place in the inner harbor/Ostkai. The fish market in Wyk is very popular among visitors to the island, but overrated in my opinion. Nevertheless, if you are there, enjoy it and get one of the tasty fish sandwiches. :-)