Belarus by train
How to travel in Belarus by train: information, connections, blog and travel reports. Help in our forum to buy train tickets.
Find exact train schedules and ticket prices via the given booking links.
Buy the train ticket at a railway station. Note: in some countries you have to pay a service fee at the ticket counter. The ticket can be purchased at a station in the country of departure, also sometimes in other countries.
train types
night train
train connections
popular connections travelled by other users
train company
Belarus -
Travel from Belarus to Germany by one of the direct overnight trains. These trains run from Orsha, Minsk and Brest to Berlin. Train tickets are available from 175 EUR.
Optionally travel with a change of train in Warsaw (Poland). First from your departure railway station in Belarus to Warsaw. And by a second train ticket from Warsaw to Germany. Buy this saver fare ticket "Sparpreis Europa" of Deutsche Bahn (German railways) from 39 EUR for your journey from Poland to Germany.
Find the exact train schedules and ticket prices via the given booking websites.
Belarus -
If you want to travel from Belarus to Lithuania the best option is to take the direct express trains between Minsk and Vilnius that run three times daily. Tickets can be bought online from Belarusian Railways or at a station.
Belarus -
If you want to travel from Belarus to Latvia the best option is to take the direct night train between Minsk and Riga that runs every other day. There are no other direct trains between the two countries. Tickets can be bought online from Belarusian Railways or at a station.
Belarus -
Travel from Belarus to Poland by train. There are direct trains on the route from Minsk via Brest to Warsaw. The journey time is 7 hours. There are at least three train connections daily. The train ticket price starts at 25 EUR.
The day train connection from Minsk might include a change of trains in Brest. From Brest continue to Warsaw. The train ticket price is 25 EUR.
There are as well overnight train connections available if you prefer to sleep in a comfortable bed.
Belarus -
To travel from Belarus to Russia by train, buy your train ticket via one of the given booking links or locally at a train station in Belarus.
There are several daily train connections between Belarus and Russia. Train schedules and ticket prices are available via the given booking links.
Belarus -
There are several direct trains between Belarus and Ukraine, running from Minsk to cities such as Lviv, Kyiv, Odessa and Kharkiv. These trains all run overnight and usually consist of different types of sleeping cars. Tickets are available online from Belarusian Railways or from train stations.