Vienna to Warsaw by train
Travel from Vienna (Austria) to Warsaw (Poland) by train (556km): schedule and information to the train connection. Compare fares and buy your ticket.
To travel by train from Vienna in Austria to Warsaw in Poland, include one of the direct day or night trains between these two countries.
Your travel route could be like that.
556 km

How to use the following information: we show you the best routes and where to buy tickets. On longer routes you may need more than one ticket. Book your tickets step by step as explained. If you have questions about the route from Vienna to Warsaw, please ask in our forum. Of course, sometimes there are as well other travel routes possible.
The following links could be interesting for you.
train connections : popular connections travelled by other users
Warsaw - Vienna1 Vienna (Austria) - Warsaw (Poland)
1a Travelling from Vienna (Austria) to Warsaw (Poland)
Travel from Vienna to Warsaw by direct day train or overnight train. The journey time is 7:30 hours. The ticket price starts at 43 EUR. You have these two travel options:
1) The Eurocity train "Sobieski". Departure time in Vienna at 06:05. The arrival time in Warsaw is 13:45.
The Eurocity train "Polonia". The departure time in Vienna is 14:10. The arrival time in Warsaw is 21:30.
The ticket price in 2nd class starts at 43 EUR and in 1st class at 53 EUR.
These are air-conditioned trains with an inexpensive restaurant car.
2) The overnight train "Chopin" EN406 has a journey time of 11:30 hours. The departure time in Vienna is 22:10. The arrival time in Warsaw at 09:45. The following service classes are available:
- standard seats in 2nd class are available from 29 EUR.
- shared compartments with 6 or 4 beds. The toilet and a wash room is at the end of the corridor. The ticket price starts at 49/59 EUR.
- private sleeper compartments with 3, 2 or 1 bed. The deluxe compartments offer a private shower and toilet. The standard compartments have toilet and shower at the corridor of the wagon. The ticket price starts at 69/89/129 EUR.
Where to buy a ticket from Vienna to Warsaw?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
EuroCity (EC)
night train: Night trains that might be suitable for this trip.
EN 406 Vienna - Warsaw / EN 407 Warsaw - Vienna
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Warsaw - Vienna
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Do you have questions about the connection between Vienna and Warsaw? Does something not work as it should? Just ask in our forum and get competent answers from our rail travel experts.

Eurail: if you want to travel this route by Eurail instead of train tickets, have a look here for reservation fees and further information.