Train Stations in Guilin
The train/railway station of Guilin (China). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.

Guilin Railway Station
There are two major railway stations for passengers in Guilin: One is the Guilin Railway Station and the other one is Guilin North Railway Station. The Guilin Railway Station mentioned here is located in urban area and serving T and K trains to Liuzhou, Nanning, Changsha, Beijing, Shanghai South and Guangzhou, etc.

Guilin North Railway Station
The North railway station of Guilin (China): 桂林北. This is the smaller station with less train departures. Public bus number 1 and 99 serve the route between Guilin North Railway Station and the city center. North Station to South Station: bus number 1, 99 and 100.