Liechtenstein by train
How to travel in Liechtenstein by train: information, connections, blog and travel reports. Help in our forum to buy train tickets.
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Liechtenstein -
To travel by train from Liechtenstein to Austria, you have to use a local train to Feldkirch (Austria). The railway line is operated by Austrian railways ÖBB. The station name for Vaduz (Liechtenstein) is Schaan-Vaduz.
Liechtenstein -
To travel by train from Liechtenstein to Switzerland, you have to use a local train to Buchs SG (Switzerland). The railway line is operated by Austrian railways ÖBB. The station name for Vaduz (Liechtenstein) is Schaan-Vaduz.
Liechtenstein -
To travel by train from Liechtenstein to Germany you either leave Liechtenstein via Feldkirch (Austria) or Buchs (Switzerland). Liechtenstein does not operate an own railway company.
Train tickets are available from 19 EUR.
Find the exact train schedules and ticket prices via the given booking websites.