Switzerland by train
How to travel in Switzerland by train: information, connections, blog and travel reports. Help in our forum to buy train tickets.
train types
- Bernina Express(BEX)
- Centovalli Express(CEX)
- Centovalli Panorama(CEP)
- Centovalli Regional(CER)
- EuroCity(EC)
- EuroCity (IT)(EC)
- Glacier Express(GEX)
- Gondelbahn Weggis - Rigi Kaltbad(GB)
- Hellö(HÖ)
- InterCity(IC)
- InterCity Neigezug(ICN)
- IntercityExpress(ICE)
- InterRegio(IR)
- InterRegio(IR)
- Interregio-Express(IRE)
- ÖBB Nightjet(NJ)
- Railjet(RJ)
- Regio(R)
- Regio(R)
- Regio(R)
- Regio(R)
- Regio(R)
- Regio(R)
- Regio(R)
- RegioExpress(RE)
- RegioExpress(RE)
- RegioExpress(RE)
- Regional Express(RE)
- S-Bahn(S)
- S-Bahn(S)
- S-Bahn(S)
- TGV Lyria France - Switzerland(Lyria)
night train
- EN 40462 Budapest - Zurich
- EN 40467 Zurich - Budapest
- EN 414 Belgrade - Zurich
- EN 415 Zurich - Belgrade
- EN 50466 Prague - Zurich
- EN 50467 Zurich - Prague
- IC 208 Basel - Kiel
- IC 209 Hamburg - Basel
- ÖBB nightjet NJ401 Hamburg - Zurich
- ÖBB nightjet NJ402 Amsterdam - Zurich
- ÖBB nightjet NJ403 Zurich - Amsterdam
- ÖBB nightjet NJ40470 Zurich - Hamburg
- ÖBB nightjet NJ464 Graz - Zurich
- ÖBB nightjet NJ465 Zurich - Graz
- ÖBB nightjet NJ466 Vienna - Zurich
- ÖBB nightjet NJ467 Zurich - Vienna
- ÖBB nightjet NJ470 Zurich - Berlin
- ÖBB nightjet NJ471 Berlin - Zurich
train connections
popular connections travelled by other users
search for train schedules here
Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections.
train company
- AB Appenzeller Bahnen
- ASM Aare Seeland Mobil
- BDWM BDWM Transport
- BET Bergbahnen Engelberg - Trübsee - Kleintitlis
- BGF Bergbahnen Grindelwald – First
- BLM Bergbahn Lauterbrunnen–Mürren
- BLT Baselland Transport
- BOB Berner Oberland-Bahn
- BRB Brienz-Rothorn-Bahn
- BSG Bielersee Schifffahrt
- CGT Compagnie Générale de Navigation sur le Lac Léman
- CJ Chemins de fer du Jura
- DFB Dampfbahn Furka-Bergstrecke
- FART Ferrovie autolinee regionali ticinesi
- FB Forchbahn
- FLPT Ferrovia Lugano-Ponte Tresa
- FW Frauenfeld-Wil-Bahn
- GGB Gornergratbahn
- HB Harderbahn
- JB Jungfraubahn
- LEB Chemin de fer Lausanne-Echallens-Bercher
- LNM Société de navigation sur les lacs de Neuchâtel et Morat S.A.
- LSMS Stechelberg - Schilthorn
- LTB Ligerz-Tessenberg-Bahn
- LYRIA Lyria
- MBC Transports de la région Morges-Bière-Cossonay
- MGB Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn
- MIB Meiringen-Innertkirchen-Bahn
- MOB Montreux-Oberland-Bernois
- MVR Transports Montreux-Vevey-Riviera
- NStCM Chemin de fer Nyon-Saint-Cergue-Morez
- OeBB Oensingen-Balsthal-Bahn
- PB Pilatusbahn
- RA Regionalps
- RB Rigi Bahnen
- RBS Regionalverkehr Bern-Solothurn
- RhB Rhätische Bahn
- SBB Schweizerische Bundesbahnen
- SGV AG Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersees
- SMF Stöckalp - Melchsee - Frutt
- SMtS St. Imier - Mont Soleil
- SOB Südostbahn
- SSIF Società Subalpina di Imprese Ferroviarie
- SthB Stanserhorn-Bahn
- SZU Sihltal Zürich Uetliberg Bahn
- TILO Treni Regionali Ticino Lombardia
- TMR Transports de Martigny et Régions
- TPC Transports Publics du Chablais
- TPF Transports publics fribourgeois
- TRAVYS Transports Vallée de Joux - Yverdon-les-Bains - Ste-Croix
- TRN Transports Régionaux Neuchâtelois
- URh Schweizerische Schifffahrtsgesellschaft Untersee und Rhein
- WAB Wengernalpbahn
- WB Waldenburgerbahn
- WSB Wynental- und Suhrentalbahn
- ZB Zentralbahn
- ZSG Zürichsee-Schifffahrtsgesellschaft AG
Switzerland -
To travel by train from Switzerland to Austria, use a direct Railjet train. Night trains run on the routes Zurich to Vienna and Graz.
Saver ticket fares from Austrian railways ÖBB called "Sparschiene" are available from 14 EUR. Tickets for the night train start from 29 EUR.
You find timetables and ticket prices online via our booking links.
Switzerland -
Czech Republic
Travel from Switzerland to Czech by comfortable overnight train. The journey time on the travel route Zurich to Prague is 13:20 hours. Train tickets start from 29 EUR.
Other travel routes by day train connections are from Switzerland via Germany (Munich, Nuremberg) or via Austria (Innsbruck, Linz) to Czech Republic.
Find exact train schedules and buy your ticket via the booking-links.
Switzerland -
Up to 40 direct train connections run daily from Switzerland to Germany. Trains travel on lines from Basel, Zurich, Bern, Interlaken and Chur to Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg and Berlin.
Buy cheap train tickets from Deutsche Bahn. Tickets "Super Sparpreis Europa" cost from 19 EUR. Since single trip train tickets in Switzerland can be quite expensive, the Deutsche Bahn offer is thus extremely attractive.
There are also night train connections from Zurich and Baseln to Hamburg and Berlin.
You can find the exact timetable and ticket price via the booking links provided.
Switzerland -
Travel from Switzerland to Spain by train. There are three main travel routes available from Switzerland to Barcelona: via Paris, via Lyon and via Geneva. From Barcelona continue to your travel destination in Spain.
Usually you have to book two train tickets. Sometimes it is possible to book your hole journey just in one ticket. Just try.
1. One train ticket from Switzerland to Barcelona. Calculate with a journey time of about 10 hours and ticket fares from 65 EUR.
2. One train ticket to travel from Barcelona to your travel destination in Spain.
Find the exact train schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking-links.
Switzerland -
There are three main train routes from Switzerland to France. With the "TGV Lyria" high-speed train from Zurich and Basel to Paris. And with regional trains from Basel to Strasbourg and from Geneva to Lyon.
The ticket price for the "TGV Lyria" train starts from 40 EUR. Train tickets for the regional trains from Basel and Geneva to France start from 24 EUR.
You find the best route, timetable and ticket fares via our booking links.
Switzerland -
If you want to travel from Switzerland to Croatia by train, buy your train ticket via one of the given booking links or locally at a train station in Switzerland.
There is one daily night train available from Zurich (Switzerland) to Zagreb (Croatia).
Switzerland -
Travel from Switzerland to Hungary by direct train.
On the travel route Zurich to Budapest there is a direct overnight train (Nightjet) and one direct day train (Railjet) with a journey times of 11:40 hours. Train tickets are available from 29/44 EUR.
You will find much more train connections with a change in Vienna (Austria).
Find the exact train schedules for your travel journey and buy your train tickets via the given booking websites.
Switzerland -
The train journey from Switzerland to Italy usually leads via Milan. First use a direct Eurocity train to Milan. From there you have excellent high-speed-train connections to everywhere in Italy.
Saver fare tickets are available from 29 EUR. You find timetables and ticket prices via our booking links. Sometimes you have to book two tickets, first from your place of departure to Milan, then a second one to your final destination in Italy.
If you travel via the scenic Bernina and Galcier Express routes, you will arrive in Tirano (border to Switzerland) from where you continue to Milan.
Instead of the direct route from Switzerland to Italy, you can also have a very scenic trip trough the Alps. Read therefore our blog.
Switzerland -
To travel by train from Switzerland to Liechtenstein, you have to use a local train from Buchs SG (Switzerland). The railway line is operated by Austrian railways ÖBB. The station name for Vaduz (Liechtenstein) is Schaan-Vaduz.
Switzerland -
To travel by train from Switzerland to Monaco, your route is either via Italy (Ventimiglia and Milan) or via France (Nice).