Croatia by train
How to travel in Croatia by train: information, connections, blog and travel reports. Help in our forum to buy train tickets.
Train tickets for international journeys are only available at railway stations.
If no train connection is available, use one of the frequent bus connections.
Find schedules (train and bus) and ticket prices via the given booking links.
night train
- B1205 Split - Budapest
- B410 Belgrade - Ljubljana
- B480/1604/1247 Rijeka - Budapest
- B820 Split - Zagreb
- B821 Zagreb - Split
- D 315/411 Villach - Belgrade
- EN 414 Belgrade - Zurich
- EN 415 Zurich - Belgrade
- EN 480 Rijeka - Munich
- EN 498/462 Zagreb - Munich
- EN 50463 Munich - Zagreb
- EN 60463 Munich - Rijeka
- EN1252 Split - Bratislava
- EN1253 Bratislava - Split
- G1204 Budapest - Split
- G1246/1605/481 Budapest - Rijeka
- RJ1044 Rijeka - Prague
- RJ1047 Prague - Rijeka
train connections
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Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections.
Croatia -
Travel from Croatia to Austria by direct train. The train ticket fares start from 29 EUR. It is a saver fare ticket of Austrian railways ÖBB called "Sparschiene". This ticket is available from several cities in Croatia (for example: Zagreb) to Austria.
First buy a train ticket of Croatian railways from your departure train station to for example Zagreb. Then buy a second train ticket from Zagreb to your travel destination in Austria.
On the main railway route from Zagreb to Vienna, the journey time is 6:30 hours. There runs at least one daily direct Eurocity train.
In the summer months from mid-June to mid-September, Austrian railways ÖBB offers a direct overnight train from Split to Graz and Vienna. The night train runs on Wednesday and Saturday evening. Train tickets for a standard seat start from 29 EUR and for a bed in a sleeper-wagon from 69 EUR.
Find the exact train schedules and buy your tickets via the given booking links.
Croatia -
To travel from Croatia to Bosnia-Herzegovina by train is currently not possible. The last international train connection from Zagreb to Sarajevo was cancelled in 2016. Other international railway lines have been closed for several years. Therefore you have to travel a bus.
There are several bus connections available. In the north from Zagreb in direction of Banja Luka (3:20 hours, 15 EUR) and Sarajevo (8 hours, 25 EUR). And in the south from Dubrovnik and Split in direction of Mostar (3:30 hours, 18 EUR) and Sarajevo (6:30 hours, 23 EUR).
Inside Bosnia-Herzegovina there are train connections available.
Find the exact bus and train schedules and buy your tickets via the given booking links.
Croatia -
If you want to travel from Croatia to Switzerland by train, buy your train ticket via one of the given booking links or locally at a train station in Croatia.
There is one daily night train available from Zagreb (Croatia) to Zurich (Switzerland).
Croatia -
Train tickets from Zagreb and other selected railway stations in Croatia to Germany are available from Deutsche Bahn (German railways).
Buy these saver fare tickets "Sparpreis Europa" from 39 EUR. If your journey starts in a Croatian city where no ticket is available from, first buy a ticket of Croatian railways to a possible departure station. And a second train ticket to Germany.
The Zagreb to Munich night train is a comfortable travel option.
Find exact train schedules and train ticket fares via the given booking links.
Croatia -
Travel from Croatia to Hungary by direct day train. The journey time on the travel route from Zagreb to Budapest is eight hours. Buy saver fare tickets from 19 EUR.
In the summer months, Hungarian railways MAV offer night trains from Split and Rijeka to Budapest.
In Croatia you have a daily night train connection from Split to Zagreb. From Dubrovnik to Split you have to travel by bus as there is no railway connection available.
Find the exact train schedules for your travel journey and buy your train tickets via the given booking websites. The train tickets are also available at a station.
Croatia -
Travel from Croatia to Italy by train and ferry. There are ferry connections from Split to Ancona and from Dubrovnik to Bari.
You have to buy three tickets.
1. A train or Bus ticket from your departure station in Croatia to Split or Dubrovnik.
2. The ferry ticket for the ferry route from Croatia to Italy: Split to Ancona or Dubrovnik to Bari. Ferry tickets are available from 16 EUR. The journey times is 11 hours.
3. A train ticket from Ancona or Bari to your travel destination in Italy.
If you want to travel the whole route by train, travel on the train route from Zagreb (Croatia) via Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Trieste (Italy) to your travel destination in Italy.
Find the exact train and ferry schedules and buy your tickets via the given booking links.
Croatia -
There is no railway connection between Croatia and Montenegro. You have to take the bus on the route from Split and Dubrovnik along the Adriatic coast to Montenegro with destination Kotor, Bar and Podgorica.
The journey time from Dubrovnik to Bar by bus is about 3,5 hours. The bus ticket price starts from 15 EUR.
To travel by train, you have the option to travel from Zagreb (Croatia) to Belgrade (Serbia) and from there by train in direction of Montenegro.
Find exact train and bus schedules via the given booking links. There you can book your tickets as well.
Croatia -
Travel from Croatia to Serbia by direct train. There is one daily train connection on the main railway line between Zagreb and Belgrade. The journey time is seven hours. The train ticket fare is 29 EUR.
The departure time in Zagreb is 11:00. The arrival time in Belgrade 18:15.
Find the exact train schedules and buy your train ticket via the given booking links.
Important note (2023): the direct train connections from Croatia to Serbia are currently suspended.
Croatia -
Travel from Croatia to Slovenia by train. Several types of saver fare tickets are available. You have to buy the train tickets at a railway station.
The most important railway line between Croatia and Slovenia is the main line from Zagreb to Ljubljana via the Dobova border crossing. The journey time from Zagreb to Ljubljana is 2:30 hours. You have at least two direct trains daily. The ticket fare is 9 EUR.
Other international railway connections run from Rijeka to Ljubljana (9 EUR) and from Pula to Ljubljana (19 EUR).
Find the exact train schedules and ticket fare information via the given booking links.