Serbia by train
How to travel in Serbia by train: information, connections, blog and travel reports. Help in our forum to buy train tickets.
If no train connections is available, make use of one of the frequent bus connections.
Buy the train ticket at a railway station. Note: in some countries you have to pay a service fee at the ticket counter. The ticket can be purchased at a station in the country of departure, also sometimes in other countries.
night train
- B 334 Thessaloniki - Belgrade
- B1136 Bar - Subotica
- B1137 Subotica - Bar
- B335 Belgrade - Thessaloniki
- B410 Belgrade - Ljubljana
- B411 Ljubljana - Belgrade
- B432 Bar - Belgrade
- B433 Belgrade - Bar
- D 1490 Belgrade - Istanbul
- D 315/411 Villach - Belgrade
- D 81032 Istanbul - Belgrade
- EN 414 Belgrade - Zurich
- EN 415 Zurich - Belgrade
train connections
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Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections.
train company
Serbia -
There are currently no trains operating between Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Instead you have to travel by bus.
There are frequent buses running between Belgrade and Sarajevo as well as on other routes. The ticket price from Belgrade to Sarajevo starts from 15 EUR. The journey time is about 7 hours.
Buy your bus ticket and find bus schedules via the given booking links or at the bus station.
Serbia -
Travel from Serbia to Bulgaria on the only available cross-border railway line Dimitrovgrad to Kalotina.
On the travel route from Belgrade via Nis to Sofia you have currently one direct day train in the summer months. Otherwise the train connections required two change of trains. Sometimes an overnight train is offered as well.
The journey time from Belgrade to Sofia by direct day train is 11:30 hours. Train tickets are available from 21 EUR in 2nd class. Buy the ticket locally at the railway station. The departure time in Belgrade Topcider is at 09:15. The arrival time in Sofia at 20:45.
If no direct train is available, you have to travel in several steps:
1. Belgrade to Nis. It might be the case that you have to stay overnight in Nis.
2. Nis to Dimitrovgrad.
3. Dimitrovgrad to Sofia.
Find the exact schedules via the booking links.
Serbia -
Travel from Serbia to Greece by direct overnight train. This train runs on the route from Belgrade (Serbia) via Skopje (Macedonia) to Thessaloniki (Greece). Currently this train connection is only available in the summer months from June to September. Buy tickets for this travel route from 35 EUR at railway stations in Serbia.
If this train does not run, you have to travel from Belgrade via Sofia (Bulgaria) to Thessaloniki.
Train tickets to travel to Belgrade are available on the website of Serbian railways. Train tickets to continue your journey from Thessaloniki to your travel destination in Greece are available on the website of Greek railways.
Serbia -
Travel from Serbia to Croatia by direct train. There is one daily train connection on the main railway line between Belgrade and Zagreb. The journey time is eight hours. The train ticket fare is 29 EUR.
The departure time in Belgrade is 10:00. The arrival time in Zagreb 18:15.
Find the exact train schedules and buy your train ticket via the given booking links.
Serbia -
Travel from Serbia to Hungary by direct train on the route from Belgrade, Novi Sad to Budapest.
There are saver fare tickets available from 15 EUR.
2021: the direct route Belgrade, Novi Sad to Budapest is under construction. The best option is to travel by train from Belgrade to Zagreb and from Zagreb to Budapest if you want to avoid changes and buses.
Find the exact train schedules and buy your train tickets via the given booking websites.
Serbia -
The travel from Serbia to Kosovo by direct train is not possible. You have to travel with a bus.
If you want to include trains, you have these two travel options:
1) Serbian Railways run two daily trains from Kraljevo (Serbia) to Kosovska Mitrovica in the north part of Kosovo. From Kosovska Mitrovica continue by bus or minibus.
The departure times in Kraljevo are 06:50 and 14:40. The arrival times in Kosovska Mitrovica are 10:22 and 18:22.
2) Or you travel by train or bus from Niš to the Serbian border town of Merdare. There you travel by taxi to Podujeve (Kosov🧐. From Podujeve you continue by bus or minibus.
Serbia -
Direct day and night trains connect Serbia and Montenegro via one of the most scenic rail routes of Europe.
This rail route leads from Belgrade (Serbia) via the mountains of Montenegro to Podgorica and Bar.
The journey time from Belgrade to Bar is about 11 hours. The ticket price is 21 EUR in 2nd class and 32 EUR in 1st class. A seat reservation is 3 EUR. In the night train the standard berth prices is 6 EUR. In a sleeper cabin the prices depends on its capacity (reservation fare per person): 3 persons 15 EUR, 2 persons 20 EUR, 1 person 45 EUR.
Find exact train schedules via the given booking links. Usually you have to book your train ticket at a railway station.
Serbia -
Travel from Serbia to North Macedonia by the overnight train from Belgrade via Niš to Skopje. It is not sure if this train will run in the summer months or not. Other train connections are currently not available. Buy the train ticket at a railway station.
If not train connection is available, you have to travel by bus.
Example train journeys:
- From Belgrade to Skopje: journey time is 10 hours. The ticket fare is 20 EUR. Departure time in Belgrade is 18:35. Arrival time in Skopje is 04:25.
- From Niš to Skopje: journey time is 5 hours. The ticket fare is 15 EUR. Departure time in Niš is 23:20. Arrival time in Skopje is 04:25.
Serbia -
If you want to travel from Serbia to Romania by train, the only connection is from Vrsac to Timisoara where two daily trains run. There are connecting trains from Belgrade to Vrsac and from Timisoara to many destinations in Romania, including Brasov, Cluj and Bucharest.
Special offers are available for the trip from Belgrade to Timisoara. Buy it locally at a station in Serbia. To continue within Romania you can buy an online ticket from CFR (Romanian Railways) or buy a through ticket to your destination at a station.
Serbia -
To travel from Serbia to Turkey by train, make use of the direct overnight train from Belgrade (Serbia) via Sofia (Bulgaria) to Istanbul (Turkey). Train tickets are available at train stations only.