Bosnia-Herzegovina by train
How to travel in Bosnia-Herzegovina by train: information, connections, blog and travel reports. Help in our forum to buy train tickets.
If no train connections is available, use one of the frequent bus connections.
Find exact train schedules and ticket prices via the given booking links.
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Online timetable information, on which you can find relevant, up-to-date connections.
Bosnia-Herzegovina -
To travel from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Croatia by train is currently not possible. The last international train connection from Sarajevo to Zagreb was cancelled in 2016. Other international railway lines have been closed for several years. Therefore you have to travel a bus.
There are several bus connections available. To the north from of Sarajevo (8 hours, 25 EUR) and Banja Luka (3:20 hours, 15 EUR) to Zagreb. And to the south from Sarajevo (6:30 hours, 23 EUR) and Mostar (3:30 hours, 18 EUR) to Split and Dubrovnik.
Inside Bosnia-Herzegovina there are train connections available.
Find the exact bus and train schedules and buy your tickets via the given booking links.
Bosnia-Herzegovina -
To travel from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Montenegro, you have to use a bus. There is no direct train connection available. There are daily and direct buses from Sarajevo and Mostar (Bosnia-Herzegovina) to Podgorica (Montenegr🧐. Buy these bus tickets directly at the bus terminal for about EUR 15-20 one-way.
Bosnia-Herzegovina -
There are currently no trains operating between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia. Instead you have to travel by bus.
There are frequent buses running between Sarajevo and Belgrade as well as on other routes. The ticket price from Sarajevo to Belgrade starts from 15 EUR. The journey time is about 7 hours.
Buy your bus ticket and find bus schedules via the given booking links or at the bus station.