Train type Hungary
The different train types and categories in Hungary. From local trains to high-speed-trains.

EuroCity / EC
Magyar Államvasutak - MÁV START (MÁV)
Eurocity trains are international express trains running from Budapest to Bratislava, Prague, Berlin and Warsaw. Most trains consist of coaches o...

Expressz / Ex
Magyar Államvasutak - MÁV START (MÁV)
Expressz are fast trains, usually running on weekends or during the holiday season only. The only daily service is from Budapest to Baja; the tra...

Györsvonat / G
Magyar Államvasutak - MÁV START (MÁV)
Györsvonat are fast trains running on many main routes throughout Hungary, mostly routes where no Intercity trains run. The trains stop at princi...

InterCity / IC
Magyar Államvasutak - MÁV START (MÁV)

InterRégió / IR
Magyar Államvasutak - MÁV START (MÁV)

Railjet / RJ
Österreichische Bundesbahnen (ÖBB)
The Railjet is the backbone of Austria's long distance trains. They operate on almost all main lines on both domestic and international services,...

Regio / R
Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Vasút - Raaberbahn AG (GySEV)
Regional trains operated by Hungarian private railway GySEV run in the border region between Hungary and Austria. GySEV operates both modern EMU...

Sebesvonat / S
Magyar Államvasutak - MÁV START (MÁV)
Semi fast train

Személyvonat / SZ
Magyar Államvasutak - MÁV START (MÁV)
Stopping train