New York City to Montreal by train
Travel from New York City (USA) to Montreal (Canada) by train (535km): schedule and information to the train connection. Compare fares and buy your ticket.
To travel from New York City (USA) to Montreal (Canada) by train, you have two train routes to cross the border. One in the East from New York City to Toronto or Montreal. One in the West from Seattle to Vancouver. As the railway network is not dense in both countries, often a bus or flight might be an addition or option. Find schedules and ticket fares via the booking links bellow.
There are three different travel routes. Have a look on them and decide which one fits best for you.
- 1New York City (USA) - Montreal (Canada)
- 2New York City (USA) - Toronto (Canada) - Montreal (Canada)
- 3New York City (USA) - Seattle, Washington (USA) - Vancouver (Canada) - Montreal (Canada)
535 km
How to use the following information: we show you the best routes and where to buy tickets. On longer routes you may need more than one ticket. Book your tickets step by step as explained. If you have questions about the route from New York City to Montreal, please ask in our forum. Of course, sometimes there are as well other travel routes possible.
The following links could be interesting for you.
train connections : popular connections travelled by other users
Montreal - New York City / New York City - Toronto / Seattle, Washington - Vancouver1 New York City (USA) - Montreal (Canada)
1a Travelling from New York City (USA) to Montreal (Canada)
To travel from the USA to Canada by train, you have two train routes to cross the border. One in the East from New York City to Toronto or Montreal. One in the West from Seattle to Vancouver.
As the railway network is not dense in both countries, often a bus or flight might be an addition or option.
Find exact train and bus schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking links.
Where to buy a ticket from New York City to Montreal?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Montreal - New York City / New York City - Toronto / Seattle, Washington - Vancouver
2 New York City (USA) - Toronto (Canada) - Montreal (Canada)
The route consist of more than one step. You have to buy several train tickets.
2a Travelling from New York City (USA) to Toronto (Canada)
To travel from the USA to Canada by train, you have two train routes to cross the border. One in the East from New York City to Toronto or Montreal. One in the West from Seattle to Vancouver.
As the railway network is not dense in both countries, often a bus or flight might be an addition or option.
Find exact train and bus schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking links.
Where to buy a ticket from New York City to Toronto?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Toronto - New York City / New York City - Montreal / Seattle, Washington - Vancouver
2b Travelling from Toronto (Canada) to Montreal (Canada)
To travel in Canada by train, you have a good network on the East coast (Atlantic).
Famous long-distance trains cross Canada such as the The "Canadian" from East to West (Toronto-Vancouver). And the The "Ocean" from South to North (Montreal-Halifax).
If no train connection is available travel by bus or use a flight.
Find schedules and buy your ticket (train, bus or flight) via the given booking links.
Where to buy a ticket from Toronto to Montreal?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
Intercity (IC) / The Ocean (OCE) / The Canadian (CAN)
train company:
VIA VIA Rail Canada
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Montreal - Toronto / Toronto - Vancouver / Toronto - Edmonton / Toronto - Ottawa / Toronto - Quebec / Toronto - Halifax, Nova Scotia / Montreal - Quebec / Montreal - Halifax, Nova Scotia / Montreal - Vancouver / Quebec - Vancouver
3 New York City (USA) - Seattle, Washington (USA) - Vancouver (Canada) - Montreal (Canada)
The route consist of more than one step. You have to buy several train tickets.
3a Travelling from New York City (USA) to Seattle, Washington (USA)
To travel by train in the USA, you have an interesting long-distance train network by Amtrak.
If no train connections is available, make use of the good bus network or use a flight.
Buy your ticket (train, bus or flight) and find schedules via the given booking links.
Where to buy a ticket from New York City to Seattle, Washington?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
Adirondack (ADIR) / California Zephyr (CAZPY)
train company:
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Seattle, Washington - New York City / Boston, Massachusetts - New York City / Boston, Massachusetts - Washington, D.C. / Chicago, Illinois - Emeryville, California / Chicago, Illinois - Washington, D.C. / New York City - Chicago, Illinois / Washington, D.C. - Indianapolis, Indiana / New York City - Charlotte, North Carolina / Chicago, Illinois - New Orleans, Louisiana / Chicago, Illinois - Portland, Oregon / New York City - Tampa, Florida
3b Travelling from Seattle, Washington (USA) to Vancouver (Canada)
To travel from the USA to Canada by train, you have two train routes to cross the border. One in the East from New York City to Toronto or Montreal. One in the West from Seattle to Vancouver.
As the railway network is not dense in both countries, often a bus or flight might be an addition or option.
Find exact train and bus schedules and buy your ticket via the given booking links.
Where to buy a ticket from Seattle, Washington to Vancouver?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Vancouver - Seattle, Washington / New York City - Toronto / New York City - Montreal
3c Travelling from Vancouver (Canada) to Montreal (Canada)
To travel in Canada by train, you have a good network on the East coast (Atlantic).
Famous long-distance trains cross Canada such as the The "Canadian" from East to West (Toronto-Vancouver). And the The "Ocean" from South to North (Montreal-Halifax).
If no train connection is available travel by bus or use a flight.
Find schedules and buy your ticket (train, bus or flight) via the given booking links.
Where to buy a ticket from Vancouver to Montreal?
The following links could be interesting for you.
train types: Train types you are likely to travel with.
Intercity (IC) / The Ocean (OCE) / The Canadian (CAN)
train company:
VIA VIA Rail Canada
train connections: popular connections travelled by other users
Montreal - Vancouver / Toronto - Vancouver / Toronto - Edmonton / Toronto - Ottawa / Toronto - Montreal / Toronto - Quebec / Toronto - Halifax, Nova Scotia / Montreal - Quebec / Montreal - Halifax, Nova Scotia / Montreal - Vancouver / Quebec - Vancouver
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