Macedonia by train
How to travel in Macedonia by train: information, connections, blog and travel reports. Help in our forum to buy train tickets.
Buy the train ticket at a railway station. Note: in some countries you have to pay a service fee at the ticket counter. The ticket can be purchased at a station in the country of departure, also sometimes in other countries.
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Macedonia -
Travel from North Macedonia to Albania by bus. There is no train connection available.
Direct buses run from Skopje to Tirana and other travel destinations. The journey time from Skopje to Tirana is 7:30 hours. The ticket price is 20 EUR.
Macedonia -
Travel from North Macedonia to Bulgaria by bus, as there is no direct train connection available. If you want to travel by train, you have to travel a detour either via Serbia or Greece.
Travel by train from Macedonia via Serbia to Bulgaria: travel from Skopje to Niš. And from Niš to Sofia.
Travel by train from Macedonia via Greece to Bulgaria: travel from Skopje to Thessaloniki. And from Thessaloniki to Sofia.
The train journey will take much longer. Therefore direct bus connections from Skopje to Sofia or other destination might be the best choice for you.
The bus ticket fare from Skopje to Sofia is 15 EUR. The journey time is 4:30 hours.
Macedonia -
Travel from North Macedonia to Greece by train. The only available train connection is by the night train from Belgrade via Skopje (North Macedonia) to Thessaloniki (Greece).
2021: This train runs only in the summer months. Between the Macedonian-Greek border and Thessaloniki the train is replaced by buses.
The journey time from Skopje to Thessaloniki is 5:45 hours. The departure time in Skopje is 04:45. The arrival time in Thessaloniki is 10:30. The train ticket fare is 13 EUR.
An alternative travel route is by train to Bitola (North Macedonia). There you cross the border by taxi to Florina (Greece), from where you continue by train to Thessaloniki.
1) Skopje to Bitola: the journey time is 3:20 hours. Three daily train connections with departure times in Skopje at 07:00 / 14:30 / 20:00. And arrival times in Bitola at 10:20 / 18:00 / 23:30. The ticket fare is 6 EUR.
2) Bitola to Florina: by taxi. The journey time is one hour plus border control. The distance is 35 kilometres. The taxi fare is 28 EUR.
3) Florina to Thessaloniki: the journey time is 2:40 hours. One train connection daily with departure time in Florina at 16:00. And the arrival time in Thessaloniki is 18:50. The ticket fare is 10 EUR.
Macedonia -
Travel from Macedonia to Kosovo by train. There is one daily direct train connection from Skopje to Pristina.
The journey time from Skopje to Pristina is three hours. The train ticket price is 5 EUR. Buy the ticket at a railway station.
The departure time in Skopje is 16:10. The arrival time in Pristina is 19:10.
Macedonia -
Travel from Macedonia to Serbia is possible by the overnight train from Thessaloniki via Skopje (North Macedonia) and Niš (Serbia) to Belgrade. But it is not sure if this train will run in the summer months or not. Other train connections are currently not available.
Buy the train ticket at a railway station.
If not train connection is available, you have to travel by bus.